Striving for Strength

Do we Strive to make man or God pleased?

Do we do things because we want to or because it's what God wants?

Do we do better to make ourselves happy or to make God happy with us?

Lately, I really have been processing these thoughts. Why do we do what we do? Most of the time, for myself, it's selfish and for me. What if I change my heart and thought process; what if I look to the Lord and what pleases him.

The Lord lies within all of us and if he is pleased there is a peace that overcomes us, it gives us strength. Why do we strive so hard to please man and get his approval? Unfortunately, social media is feeding this obsession to please man. People are worried about how many likes they get or what comments did they make. Ultimately it doesn't matter, I have to remind myself that what matters most is what God says. 


A couple of weekends ago we had one of our Pizza Nights at the Farm; these nights are a lot of work, and exhausting, but in the end it's so rewarding.  God wants us to do this, feed and love the people, and in the end that's what matters.  The swollen legs and feet, the mess inside at the end is worth bringing joy to God.  He is pleased with our hospitality therefore we will continue to do what we do.

" Despite difficulties and overwhelming circumstances, he declared: " Do not grieve, for The Joy of the Lord is my Strength."

Nehemiah 8:10


The Specks of Light We Leave Behind


Our Father’s Table