The Specks of Light We Leave Behind
As we walked the beach early morning, on our vacation, the waves crashed into our feet bringing a sense of peace to our bodies. Our heads were down looking at the shells and studying the sand. We realized that when the sun hit the sand just right it looked like a giant bucket of gold glitter had been sprinkled in the sand and water. It was amazing. You could only see it if the sun was shining on it just right. We came to the conclusion it was probably from seashells being crushed up over the years.
It was such an amazing reminder that we are all little specs of sand in this universe and when we leave, we leave behind little pieces of who we were. When the light hits just right on these specs left behind, God’s light shines for all those who are willing to see.
May we see with God’s eyes and embrace that we are specs of sand in this universe, but that small spec can spread joy and God‘s light for years and years if we let it.
We pray that the specs of light that we are spreading in India will help spread the goodness of God‘s kingdom; And that generations will be changed.
“In the same way, let your light shine before men, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your father in heaven. “Matthew 5:16.