Our Rock
No one said life would be easy and no one gives explicit details on how hard it can be at times. But the truth of the matter is God is our Rock so if we have a firm foundation set in him when times get tough God gets tougher.
As a human, where do you place your value and purpose? In things of this world where moths and rust destroy or in Christ? The worldly things we tend to idolize over God are sinking sand. When times get hard and we have built our life on these worldly things, our house will sink in the sinking sand.
If we faithfully put our life in Christ's hands, spending time in the word and surrounding ourselves with like minded people, when times get hard that solid Rock won't budge nor will it let us fall, the rock (God) holds us up lovingly.
As the ways of this world fight for who we are we need to remember who we are in Christ and that God's Holy Spirit lives within us.
At Church the other day the pastor simply reminded us that our lives, if planted firmly in the rock, should reflect God; we should live in Love, live as Light, and walk in Wisdom.
The wise man who built his house upon the Rock finds his value and purpose as God's child, making the most of every opportunity seeking God's will.
May we be bright lights standing firm on a foundation that will never waiver and putting our value and purpose in Christ, our Rock.