Breaking Bread
A while back my mom sent me her morning devotional and said, "thought of you guys and Sobremesa Farm." It was a very thought provoking devotional. The topic was MANNERS. "Do everything for the glory of God" (1 Corinthians 10:31).
We can serve God and reflect his kingdom through our table manners. We connect with various people from all cultures and walks of life by using our manners. We can glorify God through these manners; yet, so very often the world around us pulls us in every direction and that courtesy and etiquette is lost to distractions.
What if, as a society, we looked at our table manners and strived to be less abrasive, more pleasant, more present, more life-giving than taking, and sit at the table that God gifted us to use. Now grant it, a table is cultural but not necessary to break bread with others and to have manners to glorify God. We can glorify God's kingdom at the table and honor our Father with how we act. We can change lives, even our own, by finding those table manners. When those manners are there we can break bread so easily together, even with non believers.
"Day by day continuing with one mind in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they were taking their meals together with gladness and sincerity of heart" (Acts 2:46).
We need to be glad and rejoice during meals, at the table or sitting around in a circle on the floor, by showing our manners. Bless those who join you at your table or during a meal, be the kingdom that most long to be part of. With every plate that is set and for every chair that is filled a heart, a soul, and a belly is filled. Love through your manners; break bread and have those sobremesa moments.