Sobremesa Farm Kitchen

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Pizza to Peace

Our "Pizza Nights at the Farm" are so fun! There is so much laughter and joy during the evening, and so many full bellies at the end leaving. What we see during these evenings goes even deeper than the human eye. The joy and laughter that is present is spread; spread across an ocean and thousands of miles to land into the hearts of our friends at Jesus Mission.

Ragu and Sharon at Jesus Mission take that joy and laughter and spread it to the people in their community who have never felt such love. They give till they can't give, yet they dig deeper and give more. Ty and I both agree that Ragu at the Jesus Mission is our spiritual hero, he lives a life to expand God's kingdom in every direction, even though, as a Christian he is considered an outcast. He loves because Christ loved us. He gives because Christ gave his life for us. Ragu speaks the living word any chance he can get so others may come to know Christ and the peace that is found in Him.

So as we sit, laugh, create community, and eat pizza on our Pizza Nights, we know that that pizza will eventually travel around the world to bring peace, the peace of Jesus Christ.

Enjoy a Recipe From This Meal

Sombremesa Farm Kitchen Homemade Ricotta:

This Homemade Ricotta recipe was served on our Tuscan Market Pizza (A Detroit Style Pizza with Squash Puree, Red onion, Arugula, Mortadella and Ricotta).

  • 4 Cups Whole Milk

  • 2 Cups Heavy Cream

  • 1 tsp Kosher salt

  • 3 tbsp good white vinegar

  • Cheese cloth

Set a large sieve over a deep bowl, layer with 2 layers of cheesecloth. Pour milk, cream and salt in a stainless steel pot or an enameled pot, and stir.

Bring to a full boil over medium heat, stirring occasionally. Turn heat off and remove from the stove. Stir in vinegar. Let stand for 1 min until it curdles. Pour mixture into cheesecloth lined sieve and allow to drain into the bowl. Let sit at room temp draining for 30 min. The longer you let the mixture drain, the thicker it will become. Transfer ricotta into a container and use immediately or refrigerate.

If you have pigs or cats, treat them to the whey!